Ch, Jr Ch Obsesiones Shamrock Rebellium (luna) At Gods Creation  Ch, Jr Ch Obsesiones Shamrock Rebellium (luna) At Gods Creation
Obsesiones Shamrock Rebellium (luna) At Gods Creation
Ch Obsesiones Cochisse ( Luna )  Ch Obsesiones Cochisse ( Luna )
Ch Imperious Hamitup Apache Gold  Ch Imperious Hamitup Apache Gold  |
Ch Herson Bernal  Ch Herson Bernal  |
Ch Imperious Top Notch Kelly I Told U So  |
Sabine ( Cruz / Mendoza )  |
Ch, Multi Ch Mateo ( Gomez )  Ch, Multi Ch Mateo ( Gomez )  |
Petunia (esquivel) Mex.fci  |
Obsesiones Nazzia (luna)
Island Edition Double A's Jack Daniels  Island Edition Double A's Jack Daniels  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Real Mccoy Alexander  Ch Cherokee Legend Real Mccoy Alexander  |
Jr Ch Double A's Honey  Jr Ch Double A's Honey  |
Marianita (gutierrez)  |
Ch Imperious Hamitup Apache Gold  Ch Imperious Hamitup Apache Gold  |
Emilia (garcía /mendoza)  |
God?s Creation Ronda Rousey  God?s Creation Ronda Rousey
God?s Creation Ronda Rousey
Jr Ch Old Tow George Foreman Of Rebellium  Jr Ch Old Tow George Foreman Of Rebellium
Ch, GCh Jwilson's B-loved Polar Express  Ch, GCh Jwilson's B-loved Polar Express  |
Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  |
Sage's Grace  |
Connie Neska ( Rivera )  Connie Neska ( Rivera )  |
Ch, GCh Obsession The Rock ( Mendoza / Toledo )  Ch, GCh Obsession The Rock ( Mendoza / Toledo )  |
Oliva Olivo ( Delgado )  |
God?s Creation Nirvana  God?s Creation Nirvana
Imperious Hamitup Southern Pride  Imperious Hamitup Southern Pride  |
Ch Herson Bernal  Ch Herson Bernal  |
Ch Imperious Top Notch Kelly I Told U So  |
Obsession Minnesota ( Mendoza )  Obsession Minnesota ( Mendoza )  |
Ch Exact Classic Leon  Ch Exact Classic Leon  |
Obsession Lady Bombon ( Mendoza )  |
Visites: 112