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Chiens avec video

Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY A Wu-bee´s Best Buddy   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY A Wu-bee´s Best Buddy
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Jack Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu x Arpege Queen Ida
Jr Ch Abrakadabra Terra Coelho   
Jr Ch Abrakadabra Terra Coelho
Ch, Jr Ch Just Braveheart By Any Chance x Roxy Baster Slodka Zuzia
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Absolutely Bear Limithd Edition By Diesel   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Absolutely Bear Limithd Edition By Diesel
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Diesel Cassy Dog x Kimberly Chi Kikamonka Bull
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework   
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ace N Glendar Black Eyed Susan
Achileas Pressure  
Achileas Pressure
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure x Asia Ii De Jabalcuzan
Ch Ada Duzy Anglik   
Ch Ada Duzy Anglik
George Ksiaze Koryntu x Daisy Z Hebanowego Zakatka
Ch Adamant Warlock   
Ch Adamant Warlock
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy x Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow
Agatha de Campastur  
Agatha de Campastur
Dantebull Karpatia x Crusheds Freely Ñoños
All About Bulls Alexander The Great  
All About Bulls Alexander The Great
Ch, Jr Ch Ricatori King Of Meljane x All About Bulls April
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY, GCh All About Bulls Rafaello The White Walker   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY, GCh All About Bulls Rafaello The White Walker
That´s The Way Bulls Goofy x Ch All About Bulls Isabella
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch All By My Self   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch All By My Self
Britishpride Elvis x Luvipride Hall Of Fame
Jr Ch Allure De Oro Graso   
Jr Ch Allure De Oro Graso
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay x Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Libertad Del Boqueron
Ch Amadeo   
Ch Amadeo
Ch Exact Classic Leon x Jeanine Tejeda
Amara De Toros Bulls  
Amara De Toros Bulls
Hash De Toros Bulls x Nunu The Queen Of M.jimenez
Ch Amarilis Queen Marshal   
Ch Amarilis Queen Marshal
Ch Mr Bush Junior x Ch Roxana
Anais De Lucaipa Tony Brus Bulls  
Anais De Lucaipa Tony Brus Bulls
HJCH Sotakal Don-diego x Bon Ecuyer Geox At De Lucaipa
Andromeda Rush at MontañaMística  
Andromeda Rush at MontañaMística
Ch, Jr Ch Rojas's New Man Of Montana Mística x A-troya De Jajerbull
Angelbulls Bill  
Angelbulls Bill
Jr Ch, Int Ch Onahia Del Atlante Kill Bill x Angelbulls Luna
Aragorn ( Carrera / Villagomez )  
Aragorn ( Carrera / Villagomez )
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Zeedof ( Bernal ) x Ch, Jr Ch Nala ( Mendoza )
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Arana Jacinto ( Martinez ) At Casa Rivera   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Arana Jacinto ( Martinez ) At Casa Rivera
Arana Macario ( Martinez ) x Arana Daniela ( Martinez )
Arana Ramon ( Martinez )  
Arana Ramon ( Martinez )
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Kokies Brick x Arana Ramona - Silvana ( Rojas )
Arana Ramona - Silvana ( Rojas )  
Arana Ramona - Silvana ( Rojas )
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo ) x Yeer ( Maldonado )
Ch Arashi Dama z Brzezna   
Ch Arashi Dama z Brzezna
Jr Ch Czar Sfora Romana x Montana Centaurus
Jr Ch Atila From Stonehead Bulls   
Jr Ch Atila From Stonehead Bulls
Ferrari ( Hernandez / Garcia ) x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY, GCh Stonehead Ecuadorian Bull
Audi Kaplus  
Audi Kaplus
Henegars Rockin Remingtone x Prima Amudaria
Jr Ch Axel Cataleya Pv   
Jr Ch Axel Cataleya Pv
Arana Ramon ( Martinez ) x Esmeralda K'apaks Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Ay Mann V. I. P. Dog   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Ay Mann V. I. P. Dog
Ch, Jr Ch Macm Draft x Beautty
Azucar Tony Brus Bulls   
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls x Etna Paprikabulls
Baalzebul Amarone  
Baalzebul Amarone
Ch Huntthorn Harlem Shuffle At Baalzebul x Baalzebul Aphrodites Love
Baalzebul Chianti  
Baalzebul Chianti
Ch Huntthorn Harlem Shuffle At Baalzebul x Baalzebul Aphrodites Love
Baalzebul Italian Girl Of Daubhill  
Baalzebul Italian Girl Of Daubhill
Ch Huntthorn Harlem Shuffle At Baalzebul x Baalzebul Aphrodites Love
Baalzebul Theia The Titan  
Baalzebul Theia The Titan
The Miz At Baalzebul x Cherry Blossom Princess At Baalzebul
Ch Babby's Wanna Be Startin Somethin Of Surf City   
Ch Babby's Wanna Be Startin Somethin Of Surf City
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen x Ch Babby's Center Stage
Bayra Cappo De'Loreno  
Bayra Cappo De'Loreno
Ch Calibra Big Spender x Emelyn Capo Vaticano
Belleza Tony Brus Bulls   
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls x Azumy Lomas Bulls
Best Angel in the Sky del Lamebox  
Best Angel in the Sky del Lamebox
Blokhead Bull Simply Irresistable x La Noche Y El Día Grettel
Biddle Son Of Wild Rover At Daubhill  
Biddle Son Of Wild Rover At Daubhill
Belushi Wild Rover Of Daubhill x Brinscall Dora
Ch, Jr Ch Big Bear Ddg ( Hernandez )   
Ch, Jr Ch Big Bear Ddg ( Hernandez )
Tony Stark(bernal) x Arizona Kambull
Bigpapibull Ebony  
Bigpapibull Ebony
Bigpapibull Franco Red (graco) x Bigpapibull Superstitious
Multi Ch Bigpapibull Floyd (Teddy)   
Multi Ch Bigpapibull Floyd (Teddy)
Green Delight From The Backcorner x Bigpapibull Cheyenne
Bigpapibull Gigi  
Bigpapibull Gigi
Green Delight From The Backcorner x Bigpapibull Precious
Bigpapibull Maximus Impact  
Bigpapibull Maximus Impact
Ch Bigpapibull Sundance Kid x Bigpapibull La Bambina
Bigpapibull Red Delight  
Bigpapibull Red Delight
Bigpapibull Franco Red (graco) x Bigpapibull Superstitious
Ch Bigpapibull Sundance Kid   
Ch Bigpapibull Sundance Kid
Multi Ch Martmorebulls Shaft Of Bigpapibull x Von Yarbin Troya Bull Of Bigpapibull
Black-Treasure Dogs Bessy  
Black-Treasure Dogs Bessy
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black-treasure Dogs Jay-jay x Black-treasure Dogs Cheryl
Ch, Jr Ch Black-treasure Dogs Biggie   
Ch, Jr Ch Black-treasure Dogs Biggie
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black-treasure Dogs Jay-jay x Black-treasure Dogs Cheryl
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black-treasure Dogs Jay-jay   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black-treasure Dogs Jay-jay
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Ocobo Candy King x Ch Black-treausure Icy
Black-Treasure Dogs Sixtus   
Jr Ch Kupakos Daren x Jr Ch Black-treasure Dogs Jarissa
Ch Black-treasure Dogs Zadock   
Ch Black-treasure Dogs Zadock
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Lucas x Ch Black-treausure Icy
Black-Treasure Dogs Zodiak0  
Black-Treasure Dogs Zodiak0
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Lucas x Ch Black-treausure Icy
Ch Blue Jeans From The Backcorner   
Ch Blue Jeans From The Backcorner
Jr Ch Lemonvom La Mejor Opcion x Lemonvom El Porompompero
Bluxus Exeter  
Bluxus Exeter
Ch Hilbull Heeza Lord Mystyle x Best Bulldogirona Mystery
Ch, Int Ch Bodannas Yeah, It's A Hemi Cd, Re, Bn, Cgc, Cgn, Tdi   
Ch, Int Ch Bodannas Yeah, It's A Hemi Cd, Re, Bn, Cgc, Cgn, Tdi
Millerbulls Iced Cappuccino x Taggarts Hurricane Hulahann Cd Ra
Bogurt Klondaik  
Bogurt Klondaik
Int Ch, Multi Ch Dafnis Bully Vogue x Cheiza
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Bon Ecuyer D.J Extrarberry at All Star Bulldogs   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Bon Ecuyer D.J Extrarberry at All Star Bulldogs
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay x La Chata Weapon To Win
Bonita Cappo De'Loreno  
Bonita Cappo De'Loreno
Ch Calibra Big Spender x Emelyn Capo Vaticano
Bountiful Bruce Of Owat  
Bountiful Bruce Of Owat
Ch Denbrough Leander x Edgewick Bowtiful
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Br Maiorca At Rage Of Bulls White Power   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Br Maiorca At Rage Of Bulls White Power
That's The Way Bulls Brutus x Stainless Bull At Maiorca Madame
Bradleys Royal Tootsie Roll  
Bradleys Royal Tootsie Roll
Cameron's Lonesome Louie x Omega Sunshine Glory
Bradleys She's A Dandie At Holmes  
Bradleys She's A Dandie At Holmes
Only Dark Bajoka x Bam Bam's Rich Great Rock Diamond
Brampton Mr Jackson  
Brampton Mr Jackson
Brampton Bullseye x Brampton Rosa Lee
Braña da Garepa Delfos  
Braña da Garepa Delfos
Jr Ch Vox Populi Primus Inter Pares x Braña Da Garepa Vilma
Ch Braña da Garepa Sella   
Ch Braña da Garepa Sella
Glowlite Instant Magic x Braña Da Garepa Mariña
Brick De Toros Bulls  
Brick De Toros Bulls
Bafana De Kingdom Bulls x Cleta Von Sampras
Jr Ch Brithispanish Pandora   
Jr Ch Brithispanish Pandora
Multi Ch Prideofbully Winstone x Mini Runaway At Brithispanish
British Gladiator Burn My Shadow  
British Gladiator Burn My Shadow
British Gladiator Iron Man x British Gladiator Lulu
British Gladiator Giorgio At Sanluisbulls  
British Gladiator Giorgio At Sanluisbulls
Armani From The Bulls Compagnie x Sotakal Janett
Ch British Gladiator Hank'   
Ch British Gladiator Hank'
British Gladiator The Last Amen x British Gladiator Empress
Britisher the Duke  
Britisher the Duke
Ch Britisher Union Jack x Glyndee Sherileey Britisher
Ch Britisher Union Jack   
Ch Britisher Union Jack
Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel x Britisher Canterbury Lass
CH RU Bronorn Picasso at Ocobo   
CH RU Bronorn Picasso at Ocobo
Ashcourt Blaze At Bronorn x Bullzaye Peggy Pride At Bronorn
Bubulls Barbie  
Bubulls Barbie
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo x Bubulls Caprice Caramel
Ch, Multi Ch Buck And Sons Houdini At Sanluisbulls   
Ch, Multi Ch Buck And Sons Houdini At Sanluisbulls
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day x Ch Buck And Sons O Sole Mio
Ch, BOY Buck And Sons Tintarella Color Latte   
Ch, BOY Buck And Sons Tintarella Color Latte
Saintgeorges Lucky Man x Ch Buck And Sons Haiti
Ch.jr Gibraltar Bulkybull Thor   
Ch.jr Gibraltar Bulkybull Thor
Haruko Bulkybull x Buck And Sons Accaciotre
Int Ch, Multi Ch Bulldesharonbull At Aquarius With Candevico   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Bulldesharonbull At Aquarius With Candevico
Spike De Bull`s Model To Candevico x Ines
Bulldesharonbull Bairon Rocco  
Bulldesharonbull Bairon Rocco
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Murbogos Rocco x Ch Bulldesharonbull At Dakota With Candevico
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Bulldesharonbull Michael Jackson   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Bulldesharonbull Michael Jackson
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Murbogos Rocco x Ch Bulldesharonbull At Dakota With Candevico
Bulldog Urbano Sugar Ray  
Bulldog Urbano Sugar Ray
Ch Blue Jeans From The Backcorner x Ch Bulldog Urbano Miss Sunshinne
Bulldog Urbano Tommy Bahama At Helmi Bulls  
Bulldog Urbano Tommy Bahama At Helmi Bulls
Ch Blue Jeans From The Backcorner x Ch Sotakal Jesica
Bullgame Betty Boop  
Bullgame Betty Boop
English Pirate Bulldog Guy x Maca
Bullgame Morfeo  
Bullgame Morfeo
Jr,Ch gibraltar Home Pilar Embrujo x unknown
JW Bullisimo Sheeza Diamond for Englishglory  
JW Bullisimo Sheeza Diamond for Englishglory
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo x Bullisimo Cotton Candy
Ch, BOY Bullmanea Arturus Rex   
Ch, BOY Bullmanea Arturus Rex
Ch. Int, Swe, Nor, Dan Jaminic Ice Gold Of Mystyle x Big Spender Powerpeggy
DKCH Junior Club Winner 2010 Bullmanea Burning Desire   
DKCH Junior Club Winner 2010 Bullmanea Burning Desire
Ch Ocobo Dads Lad x Ch, BOY Bullmanea Arturus Lady Of Avalon
Bullmastic Snowy Daze  
Bullmastic Snowy Daze
Jr Ch King's Feeling Bull Rock-out At Bullmastic x Ch, Jr Ch Bullprime Cacau Show At Bullmatic
Bulls Camelot Arthur King (imp Esp)  
Bulls Camelot Arthur King (imp Esp)
Ch, Jr Ch Ricatori King Of Meljane x Ch Culture Of Bulls Khora Jolly
Bulls Camelot Arthur King [ Imp Esp ]   
Ch, Jr Ch Ricatori King Of Meljane x Ch Culture Of Bulls Khora Jolly
Jr Ch Bulls Camelot Barrow At Bretednek   
Jr Ch Bulls Camelot Barrow At Bretednek
Ch, Jr Ch Ricatori King Of Meljane x Ch Culture Of Bulls Khora Jolly
Bullyoyo Extradixus  
Bullyoyo Extradixus
Ch Bullyoyo Sweet Dreams x Burjalon Made In Bullyoyo
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno at La Chata   
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno at La Chata
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen x Katiuska At La Chata
Bullyoyo Rock n Rolla  
Bullyoyo Rock n Rolla
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull x La Chata Ujala
Bullzodeane Big Ronnie  
Bullzodeane Big Ronnie
Redworc Mad Frankie Frazier Of Daubhill x Harpist Melody
Bullzodeane Lady Matilda  
Bullzodeane Lady Matilda
Redworc Mad Frankie Frazier Of Daubhill x Harpist Melody
Ch Burdogs My Boy   
Ch Burdogs My Boy
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Macm Nice Boy x Benta Pieche De Amour
Burdogs Sushi  
Burdogs Sushi
Malybull Bob Simon x Burdog´s Sophia
Caffeelatte of Denwer-bull  
Caffeelatte of Denwer-bull
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch I Will Be Famous Von Teufelhohle x Xtravagancy Von Teufelhohle
Ch, Jr Ch Calibulls Warrior   
Ch, Jr Ch Calibulls Warrior
De Lemavosbull Antony x Priska ( Salinas / Apud )
Candy Shes The One  
Candy Shes The One
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill x Kaybull You Talkin To Me
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Canserbero Tony Brus Bulls At Utopía Bulls   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Canserbero Tony Brus Bulls At Utopía Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Tony Brus Bullls Replick x Ch Fat Puppy's Havanna
Caperra Jurasic Bulls  
Caperra Jurasic Bulls
Jr Ch Impass Esdeka x Evrika Dark Drakula
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day x Shalad My Girl Lollipop
Caribbean Bulls Balotelli  
Caribbean Bulls Balotelli
Balam El Jaguar Jiménez x Bull De La Mancha Victoria Beckham
Caryca Kornwalijski Sen  
Caryca Kornwalijski Sen
Ferguson Esdeka x Zelda Kornwalijski Sen
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Cedrik Bulldog Von Rauscher   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Cedrik Bulldog Von Rauscher
Ch Lemonvom Amos Amigos x Tiffany Bulldog Arcita
Ch, Jr Ch Centurion Mark   
Ch, Jr Ch Centurion Mark
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, BOY, GCh Lemonvom Solo x Mastif Hill Monika
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Cerberus Pride White Star   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Cerberus Pride White Star
Cy Jr Ch Golden Bull Tempo x Cy CH Cerberus Pride White Cherry
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Cetton Winston Gerard   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Cetton Winston Gerard
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wencar Touch Of White x Umma Vais Bossyanya
Chaparro World Barney Duck  
Chaparro World Barney Duck
Ch. Brazil Zidane San Simon Bulls x Bullbest Yanka
Charles Darwin  
Charles Darwin
Maiorca Bulls Michael Jordan x Rembombory Sandy I
Ch Chefs Keeper Of The Flask   
Ch Chefs Keeper Of The Flask
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal x Ch Flyboy's Col Ridley
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Cowboy   
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Cowboy
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny x Ch, GCh Delenclos Bonnie Love
Ch Cherokee Legend Darwin   
Ch Cherokee Legend Darwin
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Cherokee Legend Heavensent Garnet
Cherokee Legend Laci  
Cherokee Legend Laci
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Stetson x Cherokee Legend Prudence
Cherokee Legend Orange Crush  
Cherokee Legend Orange Crush
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Orange Penelope
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse x Ch Empires Cleopatra
Ch Cherokee Legend Winslow   
Ch Cherokee Legend Winslow
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Stetson x Cherokee Legend White Cloud
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny   
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o x Cherokee Legend Moneypenny
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion   
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o x Cherokee Legend Moneypenny
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Apollo   
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Apollo
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Ch Cherokee Cybil Of Royal Court
Choper Esdeka  
Choper Esdeka
Mellowmood Griin Grey x Ch Guarana Esdeka
Citizens Cupcake  
Citizens Cupcake
Lav Eipril Always Applause x Golden Gems Joni Mitchel
Cleo Deane Babjon  
Cleo Deane Babjon
Ch Denbrough Leander x Edgewick Bowtiful
Colombianbulls Alcapone  
Colombianbulls Alcapone
Colombianbulls Tanke x Colombianbulls Thauret
BOY Colombianbulls Balu  
BOY Colombianbulls Balu
Colombianbulls Tanke x Colombianbulls Thauret
Colombianbulls Bruna  
Colombianbulls Bruna
Colombianbulls Tanke x Colombianbulls Thauret
Colombianbulls Candela   
Hash De Toros Bulls x Emma ( Colombianbulls)
Colombianbulls Colombian Narko  
Colombianbulls Colombian Narko
Rojas's Simply The Best x unknown
BOY Colombianbulls Guarana  
BOY Colombianbulls Guarana
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Colombianbulls Titania
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy   
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy
Hash De Toros Bulls x Colombianbulls Janis Lyn Joplin
Colombianbulls Kaleth  
Colombianbulls Kaleth
Nutibara Salvatore Mancuso x Colombianbulls Tigresa
Colombianbulls Mkz Victoria  
Colombianbulls Mkz Victoria
Colombianbulls Kaleth x Amara De Toros Bulls
Colombianbulls Ñata ( Mankuza)  
Colombianbulls Ñata ( Mankuza)
Nutibara Salvatore Mancuso x Emma ( Colombianbulls)
Colombianbulls Niaska   
Colombianbulls Colombian Narko x Ramona ( Colombianbulls)
Colombianbulls Paris   
Colombianbulls Kaleth x Emma ( Colombianbulls)
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Patrón   
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Patrón
Colombianbulls Tanke x Colombianbulls Thauret
Colombianbulls Porki El Oso  
Colombianbulls Porki El Oso
Nutibara Salvatore Mancuso x Emma ( Colombianbulls)
Colombianbulls Tanke  
Colombianbulls Tanke
Hash De Toros Bulls x Emma ( Colombianbulls)
Colombianbulls Taurina  
Colombianbulls Taurina
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Colombianbulls Titania
Colombianbulls Tauro  
Colombianbulls Tauro
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Colombianbulls Titania
Colombianbulls Thauret  
Colombianbulls Thauret
Nutibara Salvatore Mancuso x Kendra
Colombianbulls Tigresa   
Brick De Toros Bulls x Colombianbulls Niaska
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Colombianbulls Titania   
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Colombianbulls Titania
Nutibara Salvatore Mancuso x Emma ( Colombianbulls)
Colombianbulls Tora Katu  
Colombianbulls Tora Katu
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Colombianbulls Titania
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Toro   
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Toro
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Colombianbulls Titania
BOY Colombianbulls Yin Yang  
BOY Colombianbulls Yin Yang
Hash De Toros Bulls x Colombianbulls Janis Lyn Joplin
Crema D`Magamurc  
Crema D`Magamurc
Merriveen Good Knight x Rembombory Jazmin
Ch, Jr Ch D´ Nahros Star Cool...ero   
Ch, Jr Ch D´ Nahros Star Cool...ero
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch D´ Nahros Enoch Román x Mex Gran Mex Copo De Nieve García
D´ Nahros Star Iron Dog  
D´ Nahros Star Iron Dog
Mellowmood Sock It To Em x D´ Nahros Star Queen
Ch D´ Nahros Star Seville   
Ch D´ Nahros Star Seville
Mellowmood Sock It To Em x D´ Nahros Star Sharon
D´ Toledo " Ready To Go " Hera  
D´ Toledo " Ready To Go " Hera
Ch Berenbrock's When In Rome At Julre x Ch, GCh D´ Toledo Queen Of The Night
DanShi's Luna Negra  
DanShi's Luna Negra
Tebow Heisman Trophy x Holly Joy Letz Dance
DanShi's Ocasio's Beautiful Belle  
DanShi's Ocasio's Beautiful Belle
Mariobull Amadeus x Paris De Maui Expo
DanShi's Prince Romeo   
unknown x unknown
DanShi's Luna Negra  
DanShi's Luna Negra
Tebow Heisman Trophy x Holly Joy Letz Dance
DanShi's Prince Romeo  
DanShi's Prince Romeo
Pappas Choco Blue Spike x Dogwood's Sweet Marley Rose
Darwin Daenerys  
Darwin Daenerys
Charles Darwin x Bigbossbull Adrienn
Ch Br Darwinsbulls Silius Home Pilar   
Ch Br Darwinsbulls Silius Home Pilar
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino x China De Bravobox
Daubhill Cool Sun  
Daubhill Cool Sun
Ch Coolhand Luke x Daubhill Deadloss Victoria
Daubhill Mr Sloane  
Daubhill Mr Sloane
The Miz At Baalzebul x Baalzebul Italian Girl Of Daubhill
Daubhill Mrs Earnshaw  
Daubhill Mrs Earnshaw
The Miz At Baalzebul x Baalzebul Italian Girl Of Daubhill
Daubhill Mrs Pevril  
Daubhill Mrs Pevril
The Miz At Baalzebul x Baalzebul Italian Girl Of Daubhill
Daubhill Snowy Daze Of Denbrough  
Daubhill Snowy Daze Of Denbrough
Ch Coolhand Luke x Daubhill Deadloss Victoria
Ch.Port De Lemavosbull Another Champion   
Ch.Port De Lemavosbull Another Champion
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel
Deary Lees Grin Tango  
Deary Lees Grin Tango
Bogurt Revolyushion x Filigree Grin Tango
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel
Denbrough Aurora   
Ch Coolhand Luke x Daubhill Royal Britiania Of Denbrough
Denbrough Delphi Of Padern  
Denbrough Delphi Of Padern
Ch Coolhand Luke x Daubhill Royal Britiania Of Denbrough
Denbrough Hydra   
Ch Coolhand Luke x Daubhill Royal Britiania Of Denbrough
Desert Eagle Aubrey  
Desert Eagle Aubrey
British Gladiator Maximus x Ch Just Braveheart Absolut Power
Desire Bull Tiramissu   
Desire Bull Headache x Star Black Neu
Deyvol Edelweiss  
Deyvol Edelweiss
De Lemavosbull Angel For Ever x Deyvol Clearly Precious
Diamond White From Garcelbull  
Diamond White From Garcelbull
Ch Helmlake Marlon x The Cragus White Cotton
Ch Dk's Flying Dutchman Ii   
Ch Dk's Flying Dutchman Ii
Ch Dk's Eno Camino x Ch Dk's Ceejay
Dk's Huggie Bear  
Dk's Huggie Bear
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Dk's Shelby
Ch Sp, Int Ch, Eur Ch, Ch Rumania Dogbulls Cary-Cary   
Ch Sp, Int Ch, Eur Ch, Ch Rumania Dogbulls Cary-Cary
Louzola Ferrari x La Chata Zarov
Domino of Denwer-bull  
Domino of Denwer-bull
Jackpot Von Teufelhohle x Elizabeth The Bacher Bulls
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )
Brave Wilson ( Castillo ) x Britanny ( Morales )
Du Mandarin De Pekin General Lee  
Du Mandarin De Pekin General Lee
Ocobo Royal Ensign x Knautschis Nosey Parker
Ch Dygros Little Joe   
Ch Dygros Little Joe
Ch Little Ponds Leroy x Ch Dygros Junior Miss
Edgewick Bowtiful   
Prince Of Wyngrove x Canford Jacqueline
Multi Ch Edition of Luxe Power Suply   
Multi Ch Edition of Luxe Power Suply
Ch Edition Of Luxe Maximus x Edition Of Luxe Samba Para Mi
Edson Conqueror Oklahoma  
Edson Conqueror Oklahoma
Meljane King Edgar x Edson Conqueror Mystery Love
Jr Ch Edson Conqueror Olrick   
Jr Ch Edson Conqueror Olrick
Meljane King Edgar x Edson Conqueror Mystery Love
Edson Conqueror Orelana  
Edson Conqueror Orelana
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Oro Graso Destiny x Edson Conqueror Misty Rose
Edson Conqueror Origin Legend  
Edson Conqueror Origin Legend
Ch Royal Flush Of Roxa-lina x Edson Conqueror Maestria
Edson Conqueror Red Soanna  
Edson Conqueror Red Soanna
Jr Ch Edson Conqueror Olrick x Jadendy Bull Illona
Edson Conqueror Sanaa  
Edson Conqueror Sanaa
Bamabador Donkey Kong x Edson Conqueror Origin Legend
Edson Conqueror Seattle  
Edson Conqueror Seattle
Ch Joelee Irish Legend Of Mervander x Edson Conqueror Orelana
Edson Conqueror Sydney  
Edson Conqueror Sydney
Boqueron Pitagoras x Edson Conqueror Oklahoma
El Greco Delatlante bull  
El Greco Delatlante bull
Home Pilar Boucheron x By Manolito Bulls Molly
El Tiger Limited Edition Pearl  
El Tiger Limited Edition Pearl
Bull And Grapes Fear Of The Dark x Poseidon Bull Kristina-jung
Elwirabulls Gallant Cavalier For Nordische Renaissance  
Elwirabulls Gallant Cavalier For Nordische Renaissance
Vandys ( Elwirabulls) x Elwirabulls Taffi Lady Gold
Elwirabulls Vega Vagary White  
Elwirabulls Vega Vagary White
Vandys ( Elwirabulls) x Elwirabulls Dana Magical Gold
Emma ( Colombianbulls)  
Emma ( Colombianbulls)
Alfred Ruilova's Bulldog x Cora Ruilova's Bulldog
Ch Empires Rocksolid Tony   
Ch Empires Rocksolid Tony
Ch Mystik's Ghost Rider x Empires Empress D'toledo Camila
Ch Empires Sir Wally   
Ch Empires Sir Wally
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Amber Of Mouser
English Pirate Bulldog Guy  
English Pirate Bulldog Guy
Golden Bull Yeti x English Pirate Bulldog Ivy
Estella Saint Bulls´fer  
Estella Saint Bulls´fer
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch La Chata Touch Of Frost x Boyka Saint Bulls´fer
Estrella ( Gonzalez )  
Estrella ( Gonzalez )
Gañanbulls Star Fire x Bulma ( Almanza )
Ever Glow Jocker  
Ever Glow Jocker
Ever Glow Evoque x Orieta Bulls Isis At Ever Glow
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Kokies Brick   
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Kokies Brick
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Ch Violet's Silver Fox Of Exact
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Laguna Canelo   
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Laguna Canelo
Ch, GCh Little Ponds George x Ch, GCh Exact Classic Kokies Velvet
Ch Exact Classic Mosaic Thunder   
Ch Exact Classic Mosaic Thunder
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Ch Exact Classic Mosaic Diamond
Excelse Gilroy Garlic  
Excelse Gilroy Garlic
Dragon's Eyes Iron Mike x Excelse Esmeralda
Ch Extradixus Campbell   
Ch Extradixus Campbell
Ch La Chata Show Me x La Chata Yolanda
Jr Ch Exturion-bull Rocco Grandson   
Jr Ch Exturion-bull Rocco Grandson
Multi Ch Exturion-bull Ricky Hatton x Kings Feeling Bull Dolce Gabbana
Exturion-bull Palomita The Fantastic  
Exturion-bull Palomita The Fantastic
Rembombory Titus x Exturion-bull Magic
Faegan Feel of Denwer-bull  
Faegan Feel of Denwer-bull
Ch Dynamit Von Teufelhohle x Xtraordinary Von Teufelhohle
Ch, GCh Fairytale's Knight In Shining Armour   
Ch, GCh Fairytale's Knight In Shining Armour
Ch Ramblin Bulls Il Detore x Fairytale's Knight At The Paris Opera
Ch, BOY Favoritu Ziedas Cherchil   
Ch, BOY Favoritu Ziedas Cherchil
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, BOY Drim Drift Boy x Ch, Jr Ch Prima Milder Tikslas(junaik)
Feliks spod Raduni  
Feliks spod Raduni
Jr Ch Fiodor Abdank x Hilda Spod Raduni
Feras Do Sul Miss Sunflower  
Feras Do Sul Miss Sunflower
Ch Blue Jeans From The Backcorner x Jr Ch Bulldog Urbano Tulipa
Firedog Pinball Wizard Tkn  
Firedog Pinball Wizard Tkn
Ch Spiveys Silver Solid x Spivey's Silver Safire
Folias de Gerancris  
Folias de Gerancris
Rowendale Who´s The Daddy x Anubis Girl De Golucan
Ch Font A Noses Only Bleu Bayou   
Ch Font A Noses Only Bleu Bayou
Ch, GCh Only Asher x Ch Font A Noses Hurricane Windes Of Change
For The Love Of Lilly  
For The Love Of Lilly
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill x Kaybull Posing Pee Wag
Ch Fortland Bulldogs Dodge   
Ch Fortland Bulldogs Dodge
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Willy Special Of R.d. ( Castillo ) x Fortland Bulldogs Naomi
Ch Fortland Bulldogs Notorious BIG   
Ch Fortland Bulldogs Notorious BIG
Multi Ch Benchmarks Boceifus x Fortland Bulldogs Bvlgari
Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Unhappy Girl   
Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Unhappy Girl
Ch, Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Tim Don x Fortland Bulldogs Hellcats
Frandel By Bella  
Frandel By Bella
Ch Cherokee Legend Bubba x Afrodite Malanquine
Rokamarbulls Harry x Candones La Raya Veloz
Gananbulls Son Valentim  
Gananbulls Son Valentim
Oro Graso Classic Boy x Blood Of Coliseum Love Your My
Gañanbulls Star Fire  
Gañanbulls Star Fire
Oro Graso Classic Boy x Blood Of Coliseum Love Your My
Ch Garcel Bull Bruno Banani   
Ch Garcel Bull Bruno Banani
Best Bulldogirona Invictus x Edition Of Luxe Lili
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine
Ch Helmlake Marlon x Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet
Garcel Bull Gulliver At Demilcolores  
Garcel Bull Gulliver At Demilcolores
Ch Helmlake Marlon x Bronca At Garcelbull
Garner Be Happy  
Garner Be Happy
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Ch, Int Ch Garner Utopia Dream
Gerancris Jabato  
Gerancris Jabato
Home Pilar Boucheron x Folias De Gerancris
Gerancris Magali   
Bullyoyo Valkiria x Gerancris Masepsa
Gerancris Magaly   
unknown x unknown
Gerancris Meguisem  
Gerancris Meguisem
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch The Undertaker For Simplydoor x Yoya De Gerancris
Gerancris Mr. Hannibal Lecter   
Ch La Vera Bulls The Silence Of The Lambs x Gerancris Masepsa
Gerancris Mr. Tomas Miller  
Gerancris Mr. Tomas Miller
Ch La Vera Bulls The Silence Of The Lambs x Gerancris Masepsa
Gerancris Mr. Tomas Morales  
Gerancris Mr. Tomas Morales
Ch La Vera Bulls The Silence Of The Lambs x Gerancris Masepsa
Gerancris Mr. Tourus  
Gerancris Mr. Tourus
Ch La Vera Bulls The Silence Of The Lambs x Gerancris Masepsa
Gerancris Murdock  
Gerancris Murdock
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch The Undertaker For Simplydoor x Yoya De Gerancris
Gerancris Selma  
Gerancris Selma
Ch La Vera Bulls The Silence Of The Lambs x Gerancris Masepsa
Gerancris Valki  
Gerancris Valki
Bullyoyo Valkiria x Gerancris Masepsa
Gerancris William Reeves  
Gerancris William Reeves
Island Bull Isidoro x Gerancris Meguisem
Gilbert Jazz Vic Tory  
Gilbert Jazz Vic Tory
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY, GCh Gold Bentli Victory x Mavlas Mar'ss Omaliya
Ch, Int Ch Golden Bull Icon   
Ch, Int Ch Golden Bull Icon
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Golden Bull Unicum
Golden Bull Ramses  
Golden Bull Ramses
Ch, Int Ch Golden Bull Icon x Solid Rock Precious Americus
Goldwing Bully Oliver King Call  
Goldwing Bully Oliver King Call
Bubble Steel Nat King Cole Unforgettable x Goldwing Bully Mystic Rider
Multi Ch Gongarbulls Pompidou   
Multi Ch Gongarbulls Pompidou
Ch Bullyoyo Sweet Dreams x Bullyoyo Miss Sunshine
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )
Ch Beauties Amos x Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez )
Ch Graybulls Ole Smokey Moonshine   
Ch Graybulls Ole Smokey Moonshine
Ch, GCh Graybulls Moonshine In A Mason Jar x Ch Graybulls Pretty In Pink
Gringo By Su-ringa  
Gringo By Su-ringa
Drakula Od Su-ringa x Passion Full-bulldog Jessica
Grubson Jurasic Bulls  
Grubson Jurasic Bulls
Ch Empires Sir Yogi x Ch Cardasha Jurasic Bulls
Grumps Of Babjon  
Grumps Of Babjon
Ch Denbrough Leander x Edgewick Bowtiful
Haddaway Lonley Girl Starora  
Haddaway Lonley Girl Starora
Haddaway Stay With Me x Haddaway Just A Dream
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Hall Of Fame Style Bullet Cookie Dough Of Fastlane Bulldogs   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Hall Of Fame Style Bullet Cookie Dough Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Zafira
Harry De La Pradera Real  
Harry De La Pradera Real
Ch, Jr Ch Magnet Fuddy De La Pradera x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Bombon De La Pradera Real
Heritage Touch Of Fire Made To Rock  
Heritage Touch Of Fire Made To Rock
Bomberland Made Big Boy x Sissey Marinda Fidji
Hermión by Herobulls  
Hermión by Herobulls
Buck And Sons Trebbiano x La Chata Laura
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o   
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva ) x Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me
High Lord Nike  
High Lord Nike
Jr Ch Mystic Bull Destroyer x High-lord Nadyn
High-lord Big Boy  
High-lord Big Boy
Multi Ch British Gladiator So Much Magnificence x High-lord Rhianna
High-lord Yoda Extradixus  
High-lord Yoda Extradixus
Multi Ch British Gladiator So Much Magnificence x High-lord Grace
High-lord Zeno  
High-lord Zeno
Multi Ch British Gladiator So Much Magnificence x Ch High-lord Chenoa
RCC Hillplace Captain Scarlet at Purebully  
RCC Hillplace Captain Scarlet at Purebully
Hillplace Light My Fire At Coleview x Hillplace Lily
Holi Ekado  
Holi Ekado
Ch Jim Beam Hurican x Berta Sierakowianka
Home Pilar Barbie Valentina  
Home Pilar Barbie Valentina
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino x Asia Ii De Jabalcuzan
Home Pilar Johnny Walker Unstopabull  
Home Pilar Johnny Walker Unstopabull
Ch That´s The Way Bulls Popeye x Silver Shine Das Estrelas Do Montado
Home Pilar Marilyn Monroe  
Home Pilar Marilyn Monroe
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino x Home Pilar Armony
CH V. C.CINT11 Home Pilar One in a Millions   
CH V. C.CINT11 Home Pilar One in a Millions
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino x La Chata Sandrine
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino  
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino
Jaminic Red Sun To Home Pilar x Armeleta Dolga De Alfinach
Multi Ch Home Pilar Silver Back   
Multi Ch Home Pilar Silver Back
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty x Bubulls Caprice Caramel
Hot Fudge  
Hot Fudge
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill x Kaybull You Talkin To Me
Hot Shot Of The Rangers  
Hot Shot Of The Rangers
French Connection Of The Rangers x Fatal Attraction Of The Rangers
Ch, Jr Ch Hulk   
Ch, Jr Ch Hulk
unknown x unknown
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hulk Hogan Tony Brus Bulls   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hulk Hogan Tony Brus Bulls
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls x Anais De Lucaipa Tony Brus Bulls
Ch Bras Hummer in Brittaniss of Mash   
Ch Bras Hummer in Brittaniss of Mash
Fullmarks The Dealer x Ch Mariobull Tammy Of Lyerly
I'm Logan Of The Rangers  
I'm Logan Of The Rangers
Hot Shot Of The Rangers x The Devil Looks Like Orsay For Simplydoor
Ice Fyre Phoenix  
Ice Fyre Phoenix
Redworc Mad Frankie Frazier Of Daubhill x Morningstar Midnight Rose
Ifarabull Mae  
Ifarabull Mae
Sealaville Hes Maximus x Lady Angie At Laguru
Ch Imbecilo Del Boqueron   
Ch Imbecilo Del Boqueron
Ch La Chata Show Me x Gracita Del Boqueron
Imperious Hamitup Kelly I Told You Too  
Imperious Hamitup Kelly I Told You Too
Ch Imperious Hamitup Poseidon White x Imperious Hamitup Showstopper Kandi Krush
Ch, Jr Ch Ironstone Macgyver Devilish Sacrum   
Ch, Jr Ch Ironstone Macgyver Devilish Sacrum
Ch Nelordion Blazing Fury x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kalipso Brave Heart Devilish Sacrum
Jaga World Of Bullcraft  
Jaga World Of Bullcraft
Savo Summer Duch Kilimandzaro x Olympia World Of Bullcraft
Jaminic Red Sun to Home Pilar  
Jaminic Red Sun to Home Pilar
Jaminic Specification x Jaminic British Clasic For Bulltannia
Jasmin Cymru Dancer Of Daubhill  
Jasmin Cymru Dancer Of Daubhill
The Miz At Baalzebul x Princess Of Zeus
Ch Jasmin Del Boquerón At Tony Brus Bulls   
Ch Jasmin Del Boquerón At Tony Brus Bulls
Ch Vendetta De Boquerón Unstopabull x Deyanira Del Boquerón
Ch, Jr Ch Javanaise Tan'rei Bulls   
Ch, Jr Ch Javanaise Tan'rei Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Clarabella Di Villa Eden
Javary The Thing  
Javary The Thing
Ch Dk's Mini Cooper x Double H Chiara
BOY Jc Bulldog Canelo De Colombianbulls  
BOY Jc Bulldog Canelo De Colombianbulls
Jr Ch Colombianbulls Jeremy x Colombianbulls Kairen
Jeep Jamboree The Big Al FCI  
Jeep Jamboree The Big Al FCI
Jr Ch This Is It Esdeka x Quelle Gold Girl Bulldog Mi Ol Win
Jetred Junior My Gal Bull  
Jetred Junior My Gal Bull
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Jetred x Viva My Gal Bull
Joelee Cast No Shadow  
Joelee Cast No Shadow
Ch Int Ch Rozeldogue Ready To Rumble x Foreign Angel Of Calcurhill To Joelee
Joelee She´s Electric  
Joelee She´s Electric
Ch Int Ch Rozeldogue Ready To Rumble x Foreign Angel Of Calcurhill To Joelee
John Revelator The Big Al FCI  
John Revelator The Big Al FCI
Jr Ch This Is It Esdeka x Quelle Gold Girl Bulldog Mi Ol Win
Ch Joselito ( Villanueva )   
Ch Joselito ( Villanueva )
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse x Ch Pisis ( Villanueva )
Juicy Lucy Of The Bullyyard  
Juicy Lucy Of The Bullyyard
Ilerda Bulls Ztar Pablo Escobar x Ch Gone Wild Of The Bullyyrad
Jumano Scrumpy Jack  
Jumano Scrumpy Jack
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Jumano Sweet Martini
Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City   
Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato x Ch Cherokee Just Delicious
Just Lonestar Bright Lights Hyannisport Panache  
Just Lonestar Bright Lights Hyannisport Panache
Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City x Just Lonestar Fancy
Ch Just Lonestar Outlaw   
Ch Just Lonestar Outlaw
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse x Ch Cherokee Just Delicious
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kalipso Brave Heart Devilish Sacrum   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kalipso Brave Heart Devilish Sacrum
Ch, Jr Ch Just Braveheart By Any Chance x Ch Arashi Dama Z Brzezna
Kaybull Nordic Thunder of skabeat  
Kaybull Nordic Thunder of skabeat
Waeles Most Welcome Of Daubhill Imp Norway x Kaybull Little Mo Of Skabeat
Kaybull Northern Lights  
Kaybull Northern Lights
Waeles Most Welcome Of Daubhill Imp Norway x Kaybull Little Mo Of Skabeat
Kaybull Peters Pal  
Kaybull Peters Pal
Dawnstar Lucca x Brontemay Mizz Scarlet At Kaybull
Kaybull Posing Pee Wag  
Kaybull Posing Pee Wag
Jaqles Red Wonder x Brontemay Mizz Scarlet At Kaybull
Kaybull Simon Says  
Kaybull Simon Says
Waeles Most Welcome Of Daubhill Imp Norway x Kaybull Little Mo Of Skabeat
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill  
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill
Jaqles Red Wonder x Kaybull Sugar Lump
Kessend-Kerri Xecutor  
Kessend-Kerri Xecutor
Ch Jack Braveheart x Kessend-kerri Pamela
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Kessend-Kerri Xodus   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Kessend-Kerri Xodus
Ch Jack Braveheart x Kessend-kerri Pamela
Kessi World Of Bullcraft  
Kessi World Of Bullcraft
Maior Esdeka x Ch Georgeous Geisha World Of Bullcraft
Kimbo Slice ( Berbull House Club )  
Kimbo Slice ( Berbull House Club )
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch House Club Rhaegal By Zoe Kingdom ( Alcaraz ) x House Club Exact Classic Violet
Big Boss Bull Quiksilver x King¨s Feeling Bull Katy Perry
Jr Ch King's Feeling Bull Rock-Out at Bullmastic   
Jr Ch King's Feeling Bull Rock-Out at Bullmastic
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo x King´s Feeling Bull Chanel
Ch, Int Ch Knucklehead   
Ch, Int Ch Knucklehead
Ch, Multi Ch Sealaville Hes Tyler x Diana (roi)
Ch, Jr Ch Kuba For Pell Play Forever Slaviansky Idol   
Ch, Jr Ch Kuba For Pell Play Forever Slaviansky Idol
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Kentavr King x Ch Ignited Galaxy For Slaviansky Idol
Ch Kupakos Baco Di Mano   
Ch Kupakos Baco Di Mano
Ch, Jr Ch Erossino Of To Love Till Craziness x Ch, Jr Ch Quantanamera Of To Love Till Craziness
La Chata Fastidia  
La Chata Fastidia
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull x Ali De Gladiadores De Arena
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh La Chata Intence (chimo) At Tony Brus Bulls   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh La Chata Intence (chimo) At Tony Brus Bulls
Meljane World War x La Chata Everyday
La Chata Ironman  
La Chata Ironman
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull x Gilda De Can Plus
La Chata Key Of Triumph  
La Chata Key Of Triumph
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay x La Chata Jolly Girl
Ch La Chata Show Me   
Ch La Chata Show Me
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen x Ali De Gladiadores De Arena
Ch. Brazil La Chata Unida   
Ch. Brazil La Chata Unida
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle x Shotputpetra
La Grande Grifo Dario  
La Grande Grifo Dario
Lemonvom Solamente Solo x Egregyberci Alma
Ch.H. La Grande Grifo Ragazzo   
Ch.H. La Grande Grifo Ragazzo
Ch Classic Armani x Hun Jr. Ch. Lemonvom Infernal Iringo
Ch, Multi Ch La Sonriente Vida Mi Amor   
Ch, Multi Ch La Sonriente Vida Mi Amor
Ch Lemonvom Principe At Sanluisbulls x Jr Ch La Vida De Oro Dior
La Vera Bulls Minerva  
La Vera Bulls Minerva
Louzola Ferrari x La Chata Química Blanca
La Vida De Oro Deja Vu  
La Vida De Oro Deja Vu
Ch Lemonvom Principe At Sanluisbulls x Jr Ch La Vida De Oro Dior
Lady Mia  
Lady Mia
Rembombory Hercules x Nokia
Lagunabulls Phelps  
Lagunabulls Phelps
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny x Lagunabulls Mercedes
Ch Lareyas Pride And Joy   
Ch Lareyas Pride And Joy
Ricatori Prime Time x Kenquartz Four Sticks
JW LaRoyal First Lady of Rock  
JW LaRoyal First Lady of Rock
Saintgeorges Some Might Say x Laroyal Society Girl
Laroyal Guy Fawkes  
Laroyal Guy Fawkes
Laroyal B'inspired x Laroyal Walking On Fire
LaRoyal Luther King JW ShCM  
LaRoyal Luther King JW ShCM
Jaminic Specification x Lady Of Lerwick At Laroyal
LaRoyal's Next Top Model Ricatori  
LaRoyal's Next Top Model Ricatori
Ch Saintgeorges Flash Harry Of Bandapart x Laroyal Miss World
Ch LaRoyal's Best Kept Secret JW   
Ch LaRoyal's Best Kept Secret JW
Laroyal Luther King Jw Shcm x JW Laroyal First Lady Of Rock
Las Pedrizasbull Bella  
Las Pedrizasbull Bella
Ch Slaughterman's Xan 1 x Realstud Natalma
Las Pedrizasbull Garfio  
Las Pedrizasbull Garfio
Ch Slaughterman's Xan 1 x Realstud Natalma
Laura´s My Boy  
Laura´s My Boy
Starrynight Arcturus x Mackbull Samantha
Lc Gold Cocolos Iggy Pop  
Lc Gold Cocolos Iggy Pop
Ch Co San Simon Bulls Innocent x Lc Gold Cocolos Valeria
Ch Lc Gold Cocolos Kodac at Rsdalibull   
Ch Lc Gold Cocolos Kodac at Rsdalibull
Ch Co Ch jc co Lc Gold Cocolos Vincet x Lc Gold Cocolos Yasmin
Ch Co Ch jc co Lc Gold Cocolos Vincet   
Ch Co Ch jc co Lc Gold Cocolos Vincet
Ch, Jr Ch Lc Gold Cocolos Frodo x Lc Gold Cocolos Emilia
Ledi Viola Zhemchuzhina Karpat  
Ledi Viola Zhemchuzhina Karpat
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Tsitseron Ot Tsefeia x Csillaghegyi- Naplemente Suzi
Cy Ch. Cy Multi Ch, Lemonvom Estrella Del Cerberus   
Cy Ch. Cy Multi Ch, Lemonvom Estrella Del Cerberus
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor x Lee Breedoch Noci
Lemonvom Lo Lo Lambelo  
Lemonvom Lo Lo Lambelo
Ch Lemonvom Ceberus Del Misterio x Ch, Jr Ch Lemonvom Tres Mil Si Si
Ch Lemonvom Nonito   
Ch Lemonvom Nonito
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor x Jr Ch Lemonvom Eby
Lemonvom Sesenta Mil  
Lemonvom Sesenta Mil
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor x Stardogs Bull Alina
Multi.Ch. Lemonvom Solo Soberano   
Multi.Ch. Lemonvom Solo Soberano
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor x Just Braveheart Queen
Ch Lion's Heart Bulldog Royal Mojito Aka "major" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels   
Ch Lion's Heart Bulldog Royal Mojito Aka "major" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels
Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Royal Ascot x Big Maple Zsuzsa Bank At Lions Heart
Little Ponds Gold Rush  
Little Ponds Gold Rush
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy x Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise
Little Scarlett Tan'rei Bulls  
Little Scarlett Tan'rei Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Unbreak-a-bull Mystic
Louzola Ferrari  
Louzola Ferrari
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty x Louzola Betty Boo
Ch, Multi Ch Love Hurts Von Clansar   
Ch, Multi Ch Love Hurts Von Clansar
Ch, World Ch Ghazi ( Barba ) x Aurybull Mia Of Mariobull
Ch, Int Ch Lucky Spot Tan'rei Bulls   
Ch, Int Ch Lucky Spot Tan'rei Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Unbreak-a-bull Mystic
Ch Int, Ch Gibraltar, Top bulldog 2008 Luvipride Tender moment   
Ch Int, Ch Gibraltar, Top bulldog 2008 Luvipride Tender moment
Britishpride Elvis x Multi ch Boatwain I Have A Dream
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure   
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day x Little One Of Qseventhheaven
Luxury Dog's Mr.Douglas  
Luxury Dog's Mr.Douglas
Snoop Doggy Dog Richard x Xorima´s Aladdina
Luxury Dog's The Game at D'Jerez Bulls  
Luxury Dog's The Game at D'Jerez Bulls
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Ch, Int Ch Nina (2007)
Lyden Move Aside  
Lyden Move Aside
Ch Lyden Profmaning Clark x Craigrossie La Stupenda
Ch, Multi Ch Macm Louis Vuitton   
Ch, Multi Ch Macm Louis Vuitton
Am Ch, Ch GrCh Bras, Ch Pan Cherokee Legend Redcloud x Ch Macm Victoria Secret
Ch Macm Otelo   
Ch Macm Otelo
Am Ch, Ch GrCh Bras, Ch Pan Cherokee Legend Redcloud x Multi Ch Macm Avril
Majeranek Rex My Gal-bull  
Majeranek Rex My Gal-bull
Valleybulls Veni Vidi Vinci x Lothbrok Lagertha My Gal Bull
Makingdogs Sissy at Bullmastic  
Makingdogs Sissy at Bullmastic
Jaminic Red Sun To Home Pilar x Makingdogs Sininho
Jr Ch Malina Bull's Klaus   
Jr Ch Malina Bull's Klaus
Ch Dlanor's Ain't Nothin But Ag Thang x Arcal Bulls Estrella
Marbobulls the little big dog  
Marbobulls the little big dog
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion x Rembombory Dancing
Ch Marfa Lopukhina Lichabull    
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Klondaik Kiddy Win's x Jr Ch Roksi (bcu)
Marshall ( Gonzalez )  
Marshall ( Gonzalez )
Amadeus ( Morales / Bernal ) x Yaris ( Gonzalez )
Martmorebulls Harmony  
Martmorebulls Harmony
Ch, Int Ch Major League Lethal Weapon x unknown
Martmorebulls Johnny  
Martmorebulls Johnny
D´ Nahros Star Terry x Born To Be Wild Rudeboys'bull
Matilda ( Argomaniz )  
Matilda ( Argomaniz )
Ch Bruthus ( Fuentes ) x Reyna ( Argomaniz )
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Crazy Lover At Voycons Bulldogs   
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Crazy Lover At Voycons Bulldogs
Ch Home Pilar Bon Jovi x Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Amore
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Obsession Magnificent   
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Obsession Magnificent
Ch Home Pilar Kilombo x Jr Ch Maumi Heather
Me & My Monkey   
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill x Kaybull You Talkin To Me
Melisa Mano Monarchas  
Melisa Mano Monarchas
Ch, Jr Ch Seabright Silver Shameless x LT,LV CH, LT J CH Muza Mano Monarchas
Meljane Black Caviar  
Meljane Black Caviar
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William x Meljane Bulldogs True
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William   
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Ocobo Candy King x Meljane Bulldogs Miracle Sophie
Meljane Bulldogs Rengue  
Meljane Bulldogs Rengue
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle x Meljane Bulldogs Constannce
Meljane Bulldogs Sweet  
Meljane Bulldogs Sweet
Love Sonny Vancleef x Meljane Bulldogs Gean Grey
Meljane Bulldogs True  
Meljane Bulldogs True
Love Sonny Vancleef x Meljane Bulldogs Gean Grey
Jr Ch Meljane Fireball   
Jr Ch Meljane Fireball
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Bulls Camelot Athila King Of The Huns x Meljane Arabella Stuart
Ch Meljane Kitty Choice   
Ch Meljane Kitty Choice
Ch Del Papiol World Wide Meljane x Ocobo Meljane´s Choice
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty   
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty
Iceglint I'm Edward x Nightranger Ice Ice Baby For Mellowmood
Mencey de Taknara Aloe  
Mencey de Taknara Aloe
Int.Ch. Britishpride Royal Flush x Rugeleybull Copas De Nieve
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar x Merriveen Milady
Ch Br Merriveen Overlander   
Ch Br Merriveen Overlander
Merriveen Match Of The Day Bomberland x Oska Flame Skimmer For Merriveen
Mia Capitolio Bulls  
Mia Capitolio Bulls
Bambino ( Yañez ) x Jr Ch Caliope Capitolio Bulls
Michalina My Gal Bull  
Michalina My Gal Bull
Ch La Grande Grifo Cosmo x Ch, Jr Ch Miha Gal Bull
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Mikantribe Gibson   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Mikantribe Gibson
Ch Ocobo Onassis x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Luvipride Happy Year
Minnie Ne  
Minnie Ne
Waeles Most Welcome Of Daubhill Imp Norway x Eddies Teddy
Miss Anahi Vale De Leão  
Miss Anahi Vale De Leão
Ch, Jr Ch Willbebulls Jajão x Sweet Dolly Dolly Do Vale De Leao
Monito Mono de Casa López y Cevallos  
Monito Mono de Casa López y Cevallos
Chatos Charles Chaplin x Ch.Ec Etz Hayim's Martina
Monterey Diamand Skaye  
Monterey Diamand Skaye
Ch Newton Von Teufelhohle x Monterey Diamand Astreya
Monterey Diamand Daniel  
Monterey Diamand Daniel
Ch, Jr Ch Monterey Diamand Dunkan x Monterey Diamand Baby Sweet Sugar
Ch Monterey Diamand Prada   
Ch Monterey Diamand Prada
Ch, Jr Ch Mikantribe X-factor x Monterey Diamand Pipina
Ch, Jr Ch Monterey Diamand Viva La Diva   
Ch, Jr Ch Monterey Diamand Viva La Diva
Ch, Jr Ch Monterey Diamand Dunkan x Monterey Diamand Raiskaya Ptichka Ii
Mr Bojamgles Of Daubhill  
Mr Bojamgles Of Daubhill
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill x Kaybull You Talkin To Me
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Murbogos Rocco   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Murbogos Rocco
Ch Dygros Little Joe x Dos Aguas Jacobine
Ch, Jr Ch My Universe Viracocha   
Ch, Jr Ch My Universe Viracocha
My Universe L' Antico Astronauta x Ch, BOY My Universe Orsa Maggiore
Jr Ch Mystic Bull Destroyer   
Jr Ch Mystic Bull Destroyer
Ch Imbecilo Del Boqueron x British Gladiator Dont Let Me Go
Eng, Eur, Ch. Mystyle All That Jazz Ocobo   
Eng, Eur, Ch. Mystyle All That Jazz Ocobo
Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully x Mystyle Mozaic
Mystyle Casanova  
Mystyle Casanova
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle x Mystyle Pride´n Passion Ocobo
Ch Mystyle Crowned Prince At Samurai   
Ch Mystyle Crowned Prince At Samurai
Pheorm Keyboard Conan x Mystyle Peppay's Pride
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY, GCh Mystyle General Jack   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY, GCh Mystyle General Jack
Ch Rosebull His Royal Highness Mystyle x Mystyle Blueberry
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo   
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle x Mystyle Shining Star
Ch, GCh Mytoys Epic Against The Wind   
Ch, GCh Mytoys Epic Against The Wind
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Ch Mytoys Mighty Colors Of The Wind
Nekosam Markus   
Home Pilar Hot Blood x Laila Lord Mamich
Nekosam Mirka  
Nekosam Mirka
Home Pilar Hot Blood x Laila Lord Mamich
Nekosam Mirkos  
Nekosam Mirkos
Home Pilar Hot Blood x Laila Lord Mamich
Nekosam Mustang  
Nekosam Mustang
Home Pilar Hot Blood x Laila Lord Mamich
Ch Nelordion Blazing Fury   
Ch Nelordion Blazing Fury
Showbull Shinning Knight At Nelordion x Nelordion Nelly' S Lass
Neo Von Clansar  
Neo Von Clansar
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Quidnunc's Diesel 590 Sm x Mc Klain Clansar Superstar
Newton IV de Bages Dog  
Newton IV de Bages Dog
Dicky De Bages Dog x Guima
Night Silence Big-boy  
Night Silence Big-boy
Black-braum Bor Apach x Katie Von Bad-bull
Ch Happy And Glorious Hennessy x Tod's Bulldog Filomena
Ch Nobozz Del Boy   
Ch Nobozz Del Boy
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega x Nobozz Phoebes Girl
Nobozz Inspiration Aka Nelson  
Nobozz Inspiration Aka Nelson
Nobozz King Kong x Smackerjacks Yarn Princess
Notorious Big Del Boquerón  
Notorious Big Del Boquerón
La Chata Ironman x Imperio Del Boqueron
Nutibara Salvatore Mancuso  
Nutibara Salvatore Mancuso
Nutibara Dimitry x Nutibara Fruit
Obsesiones Keyla  
Obsesiones Keyla
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Mohegan N Capricho Dulce Sueño x Black Soul ( Mendoza )
Olga Tan'rei Bulls  
Olga Tan'rei Bulls
Bulltata Lucky x Unbreak-a-bull New Wave
Olimpic Dog Indigo  
Olimpic Dog Indigo
Guti's Bull Chiquito At Home Pilar x Olimpic Dog Africa
Olivia Da Casa Da Tanny Vwm08  
Olivia Da Casa Da Tanny Vwm08
Ch.Port. Asterix Bagesdog x Helen Margareth Da Casa Da Tanny
Oprah`s Tai-pan  
Oprah`s Tai-pan
Ch Ciclope M&d Bull x Chavobull Kira Tai-pan
Optimi Amici Madam Mim  
Optimi Amici Madam Mim
Ellinda's Victory Harley x Special Desire Kinibox
Orchardrose Bernard Bullmastic  
Orchardrose Bernard Bullmastic
Iceglint I'm Edward x Iceglint I´m Elisabeth At Orchardrose
Orcottuy Ballena  
Orcottuy Ballena
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox x La Chata Pat Dellar
Orcottuy Buscape  
Orcottuy Buscape
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox x La Chata Pat Dellar
Orcottuy Carlito Brigante  
Orcottuy Carlito Brigante
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata x Enchilada De Bullyoyo
Orcottuy Doraemon  
Orcottuy Doraemon
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull x La Chata Pat Dellar
Orcottuy Elm Street  
Orcottuy Elm Street
Ch Meljane Bulldogs Iceman x La Chata Pat Dellar
Orcottuy Exhibition  
Orcottuy Exhibition
Ch Meljane Bulldogs Iceman x La Chata Pat Dellar
Orcottuy Final Fantasy  
Orcottuy Final Fantasy
Bullyoyo Oceanus x La Chata Pat Dellar
Orcottuy Fukushima  
Orcottuy Fukushima
Bullyoyo Oceanus x La Chata Pat Dellar
Organza Tan'rei Bulls  
Organza Tan'rei Bulls
Bulltata Lucky x Unbreak-a-bull New Wave
Orsinosouth Isa Irons  
Orsinosouth Isa Irons
Terlingfair Remy x Boynhams Gorgeous Gertie At Orsinosouth
Ch Osweald Pell Play Forever   
Ch Osweald Pell Play Forever
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Ay Mann V. I. P. Dog x Golden Bull Polly
Cam-Gua, Gr.Cam-Gua, Cam-Sal, Gr.Cam-Sal, Int., Lat. Bulldog año 07,08 Otoga`s Barbie Princess  
Cam-Gua, Gr.Cam-Gua, Cam-Sal, Gr.Cam-Sal, Int., Lat. Bulldog año 07,08 Otoga`s Barbie Princess
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen x Ayro's Cleo
Otoga's Cafu Von Bagoose  
Otoga's Cafu Von Bagoose
Maquiavelo De Mabribu x Cherry Pie Von Bagoose
Paloma Tony Brus Bulls   
Matrix Tony Brus Bulls x Olivia De Echo En Peru
Ch Pat-a-bull's Kate Moss Of House Isabela Cgc Tkn   
Ch Pat-a-bull's Kate Moss Of House Isabela Cgc Tkn
Ch Cherokee Legend Inglis Thor x Pat-a-bull's Karma Dot Com
Ch Pat-a-bull's Tony The Tiger   
Ch Pat-a-bull's Tony The Tiger
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Ch Pat-a-bull's Fergies Rose
Peakies Alfie Solomons  
Peakies Alfie Solomons
Baalzebul Hot Toddy Of Lancsbull x Bullzodeane Lady Matilda
Peggie World Of Bullcraft  
Peggie World Of Bullcraft
Ferguson Esdeka x Cirilla World Of Bullcraft
Pekas of Rsdalibull  
Pekas of Rsdalibull
Multi Ch B-chopper At Montaña Mística x San Simon Bulls Xanadu
Peppa World Of Bullcraft  
Peppa World Of Bullcraft
Ferguson Esdeka x Cirilla World Of Bullcraft
Pikolina Da Casa da Tanny  
Pikolina Da Casa da Tanny
CH.Port Magdala Harry Jr x Olivia Da Casa Da Tanny Vwm08
Pinkbull Estrellas Electra Para Siempre  
Pinkbull Estrellas Electra Para Siempre
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Diesel Cassy Dog x Ch Platinum-bull Gida Electra
Prada do Anuhima  
Prada do Anuhima
Napoleão By Landbull Do Anju Hima x Berenice Do Anju Hima
Precious Boy Bronz  
Precious Boy Bronz
Sergios Special x Penny Satin
Primo Bulldogs Go Diego Go!  
Primo Bulldogs Go Diego Go!
Primecut I Am Robert x Lilly Of The Valley Get Rid Of Pam - Gina
Primo Bulldogs Shaqtin' A Fool - Shaq  
Primo Bulldogs Shaqtin' A Fool - Shaq
Jabbr's Wish You Were Here - Floyd x Primo Bulldogs Ay Que "bella"
Prince Charles da Tapada Real  
Prince Charles da Tapada Real
Ch That´s The Way Bulls Popeye x One Million Dollar Baby Da Tapada Real
Ch Prohor Pell Play Forever   
Ch Prohor Pell Play Forever
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Tsitseron Ot Tsefeia x Daniella Ruchchi
Providence Bulls All The Way  
Providence Bulls All The Way
Ch Tycor's Amos x Exact Classic Daisy Duke
Queen Sophie de Chayhuac  
Queen Sophie de Chayhuac
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William x Brenda De Carmoboxcan
Rafaela del Boqueron  
Rafaela del Boqueron
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle x Kingdome Can Beyonce
Ramona ( Colombianbulls)   
unknown x unknown
Redworc Mad Frankie Frazier Of Daubhill  
Redworc Mad Frankie Frazier Of Daubhill
Honourabull Chile'n Salsa For Ragmarte x Ragmarte Sweet As Candy Of Redworc
Rembombory Apolo  
Rembombory Apolo
Rembombory Calvin Klein x Ch Rembombory Natasha
Rembombory Banderas  
Rembombory Banderas
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Rembombory Gabana
Ch Rembombory Barbie   
Ch Rembombory Barbie
Ch.Port De Lemavosbull Another Champion x Rembombory Roja Rosa
Ch.Por, Ch.Jr.Esp. Rembombory Candie at Candybulls   
Ch.Por, Ch.Jr.Esp. Rembombory Candie at Candybulls
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Rembombory Grece Kelly
Rembombory El Dorado  
Rembombory El Dorado
Rembombory Apolo x Rembombory Africa
Puppy Lisboa Winner 2011 Rembombory Elcuatro  
Puppy Lisboa Winner 2011 Rembombory Elcuatro
Ch. San Simon Bulls Quicksilver x Rembombory Xula
Rembombory Eneko  
Rembombory Eneko
Rembombory Felipe x Rembombory Barbie Way
Ch Rembombory Flame   
Ch Rembombory Flame
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón x Rembombory Ronaldinha
Rembombory Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi  
Rembombory Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion x Rembombory Alysa
Rembombory Joy  
Rembombory Joy
Rembombory Romeo x Int Ch Rembombory Love Story
Rembombory La Que Faltaba  
Rembombory La Que Faltaba
Rembombory Otto x Rembombory Elmabull Mia At Catbull
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Lion   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Lion
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Spike x Rembombory Dakota
Rembombory Madonna  
Rembombory Madonna
Ch The Hopis Bullet x Rembombory Triana
Rembombory Mercader  
Rembombory Mercader
Ch Rembombory Regal x Rembombory Britney
Jr Ch Rembombory No Return   
Jr Ch Rembombory No Return
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Rembombory Soberana
Rembombory Osso At Samurai  
Rembombory Osso At Samurai
Rembombory Faruk x Rembombory Marie Claire
Rembombory Otto  
Rembombory Otto
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Rembombory Serpentine
Rembombory Pastycook  
Rembombory Pastycook
Rembombory Toblerone x Rembombory Hilary
Rembombory Sumaysigue  
Rembombory Sumaysigue
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Rembombory Simba
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón x Rembombory Madonna
Rembombory Xandor  
Rembombory Xandor
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón x unknown
Rembombory xupa xup  
Rembombory xupa xup
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Rembombory Hilary
Rembombory Yamao  
Rembombory Yamao
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet x Rembombory Woman´s Body
Reserva do Rei Echar Una Sonrisa  
Reserva do Rei Echar Una Sonrisa
Ch. Brazil Zidane San Simon Bulls x Wranglers
Reserva do Rei The Indian Direct Drive  
Reserva do Rei The Indian Direct Drive
Meljane Bulldogs King George x Br Ch. Unstopabull Joberg
Reserva do Rei Zé Colméia  
Reserva do Rei Zé Colméia
Ch Meljane Bulldogs English Man In New York x Mystyle Carnation
Luxury Dog's The Game At D'jerez Bulls x Liuva Del Porton
JW Ricatori Florence Baby  
JW Ricatori Florence Baby
Bildaw What Ever It Takes Mystyle x Kenmilleven Oh Baby At Ricatori
Multi Ch Rincao Dos Lobos Aragon   
Multi Ch Rincao Dos Lobos Aragon
Jr Ch Valleybulls Big Bang Unstopabull Cjw 14 x Bullprime Snow White
Rittium Windhorst Viviola  
Rittium Windhorst Viviola
Jr Ch Westgate Crown At Von Teufelhohle x Ch Rittium Kareen
Riverbull Montana  
Riverbull Montana
Ch, Jr Ch Major League Red Tiger x Riverbull Kate Moss ( Rivera )
Riverbull Sarita Garcia  
Riverbull Sarita Garcia
Ch Felipe Corazon De Leon ( Navarro ) x Black Monaco ( Rivera )
Ch Rojas's The Return   
Ch Rojas's The Return
Ch Glendars Dylan x Rojas's Salma
Ch Rokab Bull's Potchotcho Dominic Toretto   
Ch Rokab Bull's Potchotcho Dominic Toretto
Ch Cherokee White Buffalo x Exact Classic Stacy Ii
Rokamarbulls Belladonna  
Rokamarbulls Belladonna
Ch, Jr Ch Mojaka Burugog Fflawiau For Croftthorn x Bulltata Katy Perry
Rokamarbulls Jack Jack  
Rokamarbulls Jack Jack
Ch Rembombory Quick x Rembombory Coloreta
Ch, GCh Rose's Great Ballz Of Fire   
Ch, GCh Rose's Great Ballz Of Fire
Ch Devine's Adventure Schweddy Ballz x Ch Firedog Tiny Dancer
Roxy Baster Slodka Zuzia  
Roxy Baster Slodka Zuzia
Jr Ch Fiodor Abdank x Fiona Moja Piekna Slodka Zuzia
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo )
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez ) x Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón   
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón
Ch Rembombory Regal x San Simon Bulls Star Bocatta
Ch San Simon Bulls With Succes   
Ch San Simon Bulls With Succes
Ch Rembombory Regal x Ch Mariobull Tammy Of Lyerly
Sanluisbulls Alaska   
Home Pilar Hot Blood x Home Pilar Chaplin
Sanluisbulls Alison  
Sanluisbulls Alison
Jamm Pony Express De Mauiexpo At Sanluisbulls x Lc Gold Cocolos Nova
Sanluisbulls Antonieta  
Sanluisbulls Antonieta
British Gladiator Giorgio At Sanluisbulls x Sanluisbulls Alison
Sanluisbulls Babilonia  
Sanluisbulls Babilonia
Ch Lemonvom Principe At Sanluisbulls x Home Pilar Sexy Money At Sanluisbulls
Sanluisbulls Bianca  
Sanluisbulls Bianca
Home Pilar Hot Blood x Home Pilar Chaplin
Ch Sanluisbulls Diesel   
Ch Sanluisbulls Diesel
Jamm Pony Express De Mauiexpo At Sanluisbulls x Lc Gold Cocolos Nova
Sanluisbulls Helga  
Sanluisbulls Helga
Jr Ch Sanluisbulls Neruda x Sanluisbulls Evelyn
Sanluisbulls Kevin  
Sanluisbulls Kevin
Jamm Pony Express De Mauiexpo At Sanluisbulls x Lc Gold Cocolos Nova
Sanluisbulls Korina  
Sanluisbulls Korina
British Gladiator Giorgio At Sanluisbulls x Sanluisbulls Alison
Sanluisbulls Matador Amour Canin  
Sanluisbulls Matador Amour Canin
Jr Ch Sanluisbulls Neruda x Sanluisbulls Evelyn
Sanluisbulls Mistral  
Sanluisbulls Mistral
Ch Lemonvom Principe At Sanluisbulls x Home Pilar Sexy Money At Sanluisbulls
Jr Ch Sanluisbulls Neruda   
Jr Ch Sanluisbulls Neruda
Home Pilar Hot Blood x Sanluisbulls Babilonia
Sanluisbulls Rudolf  
Sanluisbulls Rudolf
Jamm Pony Express De Mauiexpo At Sanluisbulls x Lc Gold Cocolos Nova
Sanluisbulls Ulises  
Sanluisbulls Ulises
British Gladiator Giorgio At Sanluisbulls x Szaloki Bulldog Debora At Sanluisbulls
Ch Savanahstyle Impression At Bullmastic   
Ch Savanahstyle Impression At Bullmastic
Merriveen Thats My Boy x Savanahstyle Destiny
Ch Savanahstyle Impression at Mengibson   
Ch Savanahstyle Impression at Mengibson
Merriveen Thats My Boy x Savanahstyle Destiny
Savo Summer Duch Kilimandzaro  
Savo Summer Duch Kilimandzaro
Ch Paran Kameron Bulldogs x Cvjeta Perla Wronczyna
Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel   
Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke x Sealaville Shes Candice
Sedurbull Lady Gaga  
Sedurbull Lady Gaga
Ch Br Merriveen Overlander x Home Pilar Alora
Sedurbull Pandora  
Sedurbull Pandora
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino x Home Pilar Alora
Sedurbull White Label  
Sedurbull White Label
Home Pilar Rojo Valentino x Home Pilar Alora
Jr.Ch. Int.Ch. Multi Ch. See See Rider Bulls of Mabena   
Jr.Ch. Int.Ch. Multi Ch. See See Rider Bulls of Mabena
Multi Ch Jabberwocky's Cloudless x Hugs And Kisses Her Master' S Voice
Sense Of Beauty Grin Tango  
Sense Of Beauty Grin Tango
Jr Ch My Kingdom Lord Seymours Junior x Granta Grin Tango
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Shato Le Bonna   
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Shato Le Bonna
Bulls Of Paradise Jameson x Zvezdnaya Magiya Lyubava
Shes mad donna  
Shes mad donna
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill x Kaybull You Talkin To Me
Am.Ch, Chi.Ch Showtime Mucho Gusto of Lyerly´s   
Am.Ch, Chi.Ch Showtime Mucho Gusto of Lyerly´s
Ch, Int Ch Major League Lethal Weapon x Ch Showtime Hello Dolly
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Shrink A Bulls Ace In The Hole C.g.c    
Sweet V´s Taste Of Loyalty Ee x Boneyards Saka
Shrink A Bulls Blue Legacy  
Shrink A Bulls Blue Legacy
unknown x unknown
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal   
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal
Ch Adamant Warlock x Silverspoon's Born Into The Lace
Simplydoor Double Whisky  
Simplydoor Double Whisky
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle x Ch, World Ch Merriveen Take It Easy
Ch Slaughterman's Xan 1   
Ch Slaughterman's Xan 1
Jr Ch Big Maple V- Strom x Slaughterman's Paulina
Ch Sotakal Elvis   
Ch Sotakal Elvis
Jr Ch Sotakal Zeus x Ch Sotakal Paris
Ch Sotakal Jesica   
Ch Sotakal Jesica
Sotakal Andre x Ch Sotakal Daisy
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Tieger   
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Tieger
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Jeremy From British Gladiator x Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle
Special Desire Kinibox  
Special Desire Kinibox
Tyson x Two Rivers Diamond Eyes
Jr Ch Stainless Bull At Maiorca Laily   
Jr Ch Stainless Bull At Maiorca Laily
Ch Br Merriveen Overlander x Antium Rabiosa
Jch Stainless Bull Carwin   
Jch Stainless Bull Carwin
JCH , CH Maiorca Bulls Yago x Von Yarbin Oriana
Stalker Grin Tango  
Stalker Grin Tango
Jr Ch My Kingdom Lord Seymours Junior x Granta Grin Tango
Stan Esdeka  
Stan Esdeka
Jr Ch Impass Esdeka x Ch Guarana Esdeka
Ch Stardust Macm Shalom   
Ch Stardust Macm Shalom
Ch Lemonvom Ceberus Del Misterio x Ch Stardust Miss Israel
Ch.PL. Stardust Nostradamus   
Ch.PL. Stardust Nostradamus
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Jaminic Armageddon x Stardust Mona Lisa
Sugar Babe My Gal Bull  
Sugar Babe My Gal Bull
Maine My Gal Bull x Dosh Khaleen My Gal Bull
Ch Sureshot Only Nautica   
Ch Sureshot Only Nautica
Ch Only Ralph Lauren x Ch Only Crystal Of Napa Vallee
Ch, GCh Sureshot White Lightning   
Ch, GCh Sureshot White Lightning
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence x Ch Only Jalapeno Pepper
Sweet N Lo's Home Wrecker Of Lyerly  
Sweet N Lo's Home Wrecker Of Lyerly
Ch Lyerly's Spellbinder x Lyerly's Bella Malana Ortiz
That´s The Way Bulls my king  
That´s The Way Bulls my king
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Ocobo Candy King x Lemonvom La Fuerza Del
Thats The Way Bulls My King  
Thats The Way Bulls My King
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Ocobo Candy King x Lemonvom La Fuerza Del
Ch, BOY, GCh The Crown Of The Bulldog Carte D'or   
Ch, BOY, GCh The Crown Of The Bulldog Carte D'or
Jr Ch, Int Ch Onahia Del Atlante Kill Bill x Garcel Bull Gioconda
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch The Undertaker for Simplydoor   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch The Undertaker for Simplydoor
Merriveen Making Good x Int Ch Mystyle Lady In Red
unknown x unknown
Ti Ti Zlota Beja  
Ti Ti Zlota Beja
Ch, Jr Ch Just Braveheart By Any Chance x Buldenezh Nostalgie
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Torely Arko Aka "hércules Poirot"   
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Torely Arko Aka "hércules Poirot"
BOY Fabulousbull Blackberry At Quitobull x Belladona Villa Nova
Ch, Int Ch Trents Adoreabull Crusader   
Ch, Int Ch Trents Adoreabull Crusader
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence x Ch Barnharts Adoreabull Blue
Int Ch, Multi Ch Tres Llunes Mr James   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Tres Llunes Mr James
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson x Brampton Angel
Multi Ch Tres Llunes Tomorrowland   
Multi Ch Tres Llunes Tomorrowland
Ch, Int Ch Melafella The Gentelman x Tres Llunes Pipi Jeans
Ch Tres Llunes Winter Wonderland   
Ch Tres Llunes Winter Wonderland
Ch, Int Ch Antium Dream x Tres Llunes Pipi Jeans
Trojan Princess Of Skabeat  
Trojan Princess Of Skabeat
Kaybull Whoda Thought Of Daubhill x Kaybull Posing Pee Wag
Tronca At Boqueron  
Tronca At Boqueron
Maragui Drako x Aria De Nurnberg
Ch, Jr Ch Trylonia Griin Grey   
Ch, Jr Ch Trylonia Griin Grey
Ch Empires Sir Yogi x Esdeka Mastafa Griin Grey
Ch, GCh Tsar's Vincenzo   
Ch, GCh Tsar's Vincenzo
Ch Pat-a-bull's Henry The Great x Pat-a-bull's Tsars Isabella
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Tsitseron Ot Tsefeia   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Tsitseron Ot Tsefeia
Ch, Multi Ch Mystyle Paddington x Shack-n-lo Fortune S Promise
Tumbatoros Iscariote At Helmi Bulls  
Tumbatoros Iscariote At Helmi Bulls
Merriveen Thats Good x Tumbatoros Guindilla
Tycor's Cow Puncher Loui  
Tycor's Cow Puncher Loui
Ch Empires Not Your Average Joe x Ch Tycor's Big Girls Don't Cry
Ch Uberbull The Crusher   
Ch Uberbull The Crusher
Multi Ch Chaparro World Ramon x Dandara De Br La Bonne Vie
Unbreak-A-Bull Mystic  
Unbreak-A-Bull Mystic
Orazio Di Villa Eden x Unbreak-a-bull Koko Chanel
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata x Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull
Urbani Bulldog Crystal  
Urbani Bulldog Crystal
Chacha Di Isella x Myheart With Urbani
Vachart Conan  
Vachart Conan
Ch Merriveen Court Martial x Vachart Lluna
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready x Swalesboy Simply The Best
Ch, Jr Ch Vito Von Teufelhohle   
Ch, Jr Ch Vito Von Teufelhohle
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch I Will Be Famous Von Teufelhohle x Shakira Von Teufelhohle
Waeles Most Welcome Of Daubhill IMP Norway  
Waeles Most Welcome Of Daubhill IMP Norway
N UCH, SE UCH Waeles Quattro x N UCH Waeles Red Faction
Ch Wanabull White Diamond   
Ch Wanabull White Diamond
Home Pilar Boucheron x Genetics Donna Dora
BOY Welcome To The Jungle Of The Big White Bull Pla Jack  
BOY Welcome To The Jungle Of The Big White Bull Pla Jack
Ch Thor De La Casa Glaser x Ch, BOY Polar Bear Bull Pla Sisi
Jr Ch Wembholt White Rock Tristambull   
Jr Ch Wembholt White Rock Tristambull
Ch Ocobo Onassis x Wembholt Diamond Lizzie
Willbebulls Lady Death  
Willbebulls Lady Death
Ocobo Mad Hatter Pheorm x Ch That´s The Way Bulls Lisbon
Willbebulls Linus Van Pelt  
Willbebulls Linus Van Pelt
Ocobo Mad Hatter Pheorm x Ch That´s The Way Bulls Lisbon
Willbebulls Lois Lane  
Willbebulls Lois Lane
Ocobo Mad Hatter Pheorm x Ch That´s The Way Bulls Lisbon
Willbebulls Lord Bork  
Willbebulls Lord Bork
Ocobo Mad Hatter Pheorm x Ch That´s The Way Bulls Lisbon
Windhorst Bulls W- Neron  
Windhorst Bulls W- Neron
British Gladiator Burn My Shadow x Kessend-kerri Zi-zi
Ch Winehaus's How Merlot Can You Go Fcat Swn Sea Sia Sca Tki Rati Cgca Fdc   
Ch Winehaus's How Merlot Can You Go Fcat Swn Sea Sia Sca Tki Rati Cgca Fdc
Ch, GCh By-buls Billy The Kid x Ch Brewhouse's Getting A Little Tipsy
Ch, Jr Ch Winner Pell Play Forever   
Ch, Jr Ch Winner Pell Play Forever
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Ay Mann V. I. P. Dog x Ch, Jr Ch Kuba For Pell Play Forever Slaviansky Idol
Winners Blood Cruel Henry Waternoose  
Winners Blood Cruel Henry Waternoose
Ch, Jr Ch Krista Belle Vsegda Pervy x Greyt Greys The Best Of All
Rembombory Jacob x Rembombory Hot-chocolat
Yagodka Malinka Brightmel Bulldogs  
Yagodka Malinka Brightmel Bulldogs
Ch Benefis Barbara Pride x Grace Gold Oak Wood
Yitro Klic  
Yitro Klic
Ch Amadeo x Minerva (usa)
Yoya de Gerancris  
Yoya de Gerancris
La Chata Welcome Mr. Jingles x Gala De Island Bull
Zajra Czandoria  
Zajra Czandoria
Ch, Jr Ch Macm Wonderful x Hiwa Kameron
Zamira from Stardust Jagbull  
Zamira from Stardust Jagbull
Ch.PL. Stardust Nostradamus x Jr Ch Abrakadabra Terra Coelho
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Zhofrey Ot Tsitserona   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Zhofrey Ot Tsitserona
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Tsitseron Ot Tsefeia x Koroleva Faride ( Pell Play Forever)
Ch. Brazil Zidane San Simon Bulls   
Ch. Brazil Zidane San Simon Bulls
Fullmarks The Dealer x Habana´s Night San Simon Bulls
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )   
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Fiona ( Villanueva )