Portfield Snowmans Double

Reverse pedigree generated by bulldogpedigree.com

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Portfield Snowmans Double  
Portfield Drummer Boy x Portfield Ozzie
High Lows Clarissa  
Portfield Snowmans Double x High Lows Any-one
High Lows Et  
Portfield Snowmans Double x Miriam Of The Edroywin House
High Lows Every Day  
Portfield Snowmans Double x Miriam Of The Edroywin House
High Lows Every Night  
Portfield Snowmans Double x Miriam Of The Edroywin House
The Nice Ugly Bulldogs Angel  
High Lows A Little Mr. Chips x High Lows Every Night
High Lows A Little Mr. Chips x High Lows Every Night