Ch Newrock Rasputin

Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
Ch Newrock Rasputin   
Ch Newrock Rasputin
Ardenrun Aramis At Newrock x Heathdan Lovely Lady At Newrock
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor at Newrock   
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor at Newrock
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Adagailes Eye Of Tiger
Maiorca Stainless Ricson  
Maiorca Stainless Ricson
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor At Newrock x Rembombory Made In Spain
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor At Newrock x Rembombory Made In Spain
Stainless Bull At Maiorca Jolie  
Stainless Bull At Maiorca Jolie
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor At Newrock x Home Pilar Made In Heaven
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor At Newrock x Home Pilar Made In Heaven
Jr Ch Stainless Bull Jango at Maiorca   
Jr Ch Stainless Bull Jango at Maiorca
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor At Newrock x Home Pilar Made In Heaven
CH , GRCH , PANCH Adagailes Victor At Newrock x Home Pilar Made In Heaven
Brampton Cassablanca  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Brampton Belle Of The Ball
Marlon Brando Di Isella  
Caiusiuliuscaesar x Brampton Cassablanca
Caiusiuliuscaesar x Brampton Cassablanca
Salsa Di Isella  
Salsa Di Isella
Merriveen Making Good x Brampton Cassablanca
Merriveen Making Good x Brampton Cassablanca
Brampton Miss Sophie  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Brampton Belle Of The Ball
Brampton Bullseye  
Brampton Bullseye
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson x Brampton Miss Sophie
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson x Brampton Miss Sophie
Brampton Margy  
Brampton Margy
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson x Brampton Miss Sophie
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson x Brampton Miss Sophie
Brampton Max Factor  
Big Brother Of Brampton x Brampton Miss Sophie
Big Brother Of Brampton x Brampton Miss Sophie
Brampton White Icing  
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Brampton Miss Sophie
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Brampton Miss Sophie
Emberez Atlanta  
Emberez Atlanta
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Emberez Pheonix
Jr Ch Emberez Bandito   
Jr Ch Emberez Bandito
Jimalf Mystic River x Emberez Atlanta
Jimalf Mystic River x Emberez Atlanta
Emberez Barracuda  
Emberez Barracuda
Jimalf Mystic River x Emberez Atlanta
Jimalf Mystic River x Emberez Atlanta
Emberez Emblem  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Emberez Pheonix
Tamashon Lilly Gee  
Jojams Rapper With Aldanat x Emberez Emblem
Jojams Rapper With Aldanat x Emberez Emblem
Emberez Frost  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Emberez Pheonix
Bulkybull Hope  
Bulkybull Hope
Emberez Frost x Rembombory Tosha
Emberez Frost x Rembombory Tosha
Emberez Montana  
Emberez Montana
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Emberez Pheonix
Emberez Miss Moneypenny  
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Emberez Montana
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Emberez Montana
Emberez Nebraska  
Emberez Nebraska
Ch Merengue Di Isella By Albusciago x Emberez Montana
Ch Merengue Di Isella By Albusciago x Emberez Montana
Emberez Rocksteady At Davasil  
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Emberez Montana
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Emberez Montana
Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma   
Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Golden Bull Mary
Golden Bull Jackpot  
Golden Bull Jackpot
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Golden Bull Jazz  
Golden Bull Jazz
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Ch Golden Bull Jemma   
Ch Golden Bull Jemma
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Golden Bull Uzo  
Golden Bull Uzo
Bildaw Will x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Bildaw Will x Ch. Hun Golden Bull Uma
Golden Bull Unicum  
Golden Bull Unicum
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Golden Bull Mary
Multi Ch. Golden Bull Evita at MerrivinBrook   
Multi Ch. Golden Bull Evita at MerrivinBrook
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle x Golden Bull Unicum
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle x Golden Bull Unicum
Golden Bull Fiona  
Golden Bull Fiona
Ch Medbull Next Edition x Golden Bull Unicum
Ch Medbull Next Edition x Golden Bull Unicum
Ch, Int Ch Golden Bull Icon   
Ch, Int Ch Golden Bull Icon
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Golden Bull Unicum
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Golden Bull Unicum
Golden Bull Illussion  
Golden Bull Illussion
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Golden Bull Unicum
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Golden Bull Unicum
Golden Bull Imagion  
Golden Bull Imagion
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Golden Bull Unicum
Ch. Merriveen Take That x Golden Bull Unicum
Golden Bull Uwe  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Golden Bull Mary
English Pirate Bulldog Mrs Mazly  
English Pirate Bulldog Mrs Mazly
Golden Bull Uwe x English Pirate Bulldog Gisele
Golden Bull Uwe x English Pirate Bulldog Gisele
Kelloe Celebrity  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Kelloe Kiss
Kelloe Polar Star  
Kelloe Polar Star
Kelloe Dark Angel For Newrock x Kelloe Celebrity
Kelloe Dark Angel For Newrock x Kelloe Celebrity
Ch. Kelloe Rose   
Ch. Kelloe Rose
Kelloe Dark Angel For Newrock x Kelloe Celebrity
Kelloe Dark Angel For Newrock x Kelloe Celebrity
Kelloe Credibility  
Kelloe Credibility
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Kelloe Kiss
Funny Girl de La Queue du Grill  
Funny Girl de La Queue du Grill
Kelloe Credibility x Carla De La Queue Du Grill
Kelloe Credibility x Carla De La Queue Du Grill
Io De La Queue Du Grill  
Kelloe Credibility x Feliz De Vivr Del Caliborso
Kelloe Credibility x Feliz De Vivr Del Caliborso
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock   
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Kelloe Kiss
Ch Best Bulldogirona Kass   
Ch Best Bulldogirona Kass
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Best Bulldogirona Coco Chanel
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Best Bulldogirona Coco Chanel
Best Bulldogirona Kenya  
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Best Bulldogirona Coco Chanel
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Best Bulldogirona Coco Chanel
Newrock Kind a Magic for Kelloe  
Newrock Kind a Magic for Kelloe
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Newrock Nun Nicer For Kelloe
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Newrock Nun Nicer For Kelloe
Newrock Romeo  
Newrock Romeo
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Newrock Nun Nicer For Kelloe
Ch Kelloe Fidelity Newrock x Newrock Nun Nicer For Kelloe
Kelloe Sensibility  
Kelloe Sensibility
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Kelloe Kiss
Kelloe Ada  
Kelloe Ada
Kelloe See The Star x Kelloe Sensibility
Kelloe See The Star x Kelloe Sensibility
Jr Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Fire Fly   
Jr Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Fire Fly
Kelloe See The Star x Kelloe Sensibility
Kelloe See The Star x Kelloe Sensibility
Kelloe Pia  
Kelloe Pia
Kelloe Red Ranger For Newrock x Kelloe Sensibility
Kelloe Red Ranger For Newrock x Kelloe Sensibility
Kelloe Serenity Newrock  
Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Kelloe Kiss
Kelloe See The Star  
Kelloe Polar Star x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Kelloe Polar Star x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Kelloe Silver Sunlight  
Kelloe Silver Sunlight
Kelloe Polar Star x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Kelloe Polar Star x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Kelloe Soler Star  
Kelloe Polar Star x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Kelloe Polar Star x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Newrock New Fangled Kelloe  
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Newrock Nun Nicer for Kelloe  
Newrock Nun Nicer for Kelloe
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Newrock Red Glove Of Kelloe  
Newrock Red Glove Of Kelloe
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Ch Jumano Johnny Be Good x Kelloe Serenity Newrock
Newrock Mercedes  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Newrock Cameo
Meg Asurauss Rex  
Kelloe Red Ranger For Newrock x Newrock Mercedes
Kelloe Red Ranger For Newrock x Newrock Mercedes
Newrock Mysterious Girl  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Newrock Cameo
Indomitabull Baby Girl  
Merriveen Freddie x Newrock Mysterious Girl
Merriveen Freddie x Newrock Mysterious Girl
Princess Lola  
Ch Newrock Rasputin x Dandant Finesse Demcait
Stujackie Splodge Of Brown  
Melafella Red White And True At Prophecy x Princess Lola
Melafella Red White And True At Prophecy x Princess Lola