Ch Cherokee Legend Delenclos Colt Ch Cherokee Legend Delenclos Colt
Cherokee Legend Delenclos Colt
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o |
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva ) Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva ) |
Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me |
Cherokee Legend Moneypenny Cherokee Legend Moneypenny |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock |
Cherokee Ultimate Emma |
Ch, GCh Delenclos Bonnie Love Ch, GCh Delenclos Bonnie Love
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock |
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse |
Ch Empires Cleopatra Ch Empires Cleopatra |
Ch Delenclos Pretty Bikini Ch Delenclos Pretty Bikini |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy |
Ch Delenclos Miss Opaline Ch Delenclos Miss Opaline |
Cherokee Legend Fanfare Cherokee Legend Fanfare
Cherokee Legend Fanfare
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Billy The Kid Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Billy The Kid
Ch, GCh Lyerly's Lex Luther At Showtime Ch, GCh Lyerly's Lex Luther At Showtime |
Ch Lyerly's Spellbinder Ch Lyerly's Spellbinder |
Ch Showtime Hello Dolly Ch Showtime Hello Dolly |
Cherokee Legend Lola Too Cherokee Legend Lola Too |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo ) Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo ) |
Ch Cherokee Legend Thelma Ch Cherokee Legend Thelma |
Cherokee Legend Dara
Ch Glendars Dylan Ch Glendars Dylan |
Ch Beauties Amos Ch Beauties Amos |
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty |
Ch Cherokee Legend Heavensent Garnet Ch Cherokee Legend Heavensent Garnet |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock |
Cherokee Capeway Callista |
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