Biddy ( Clark)

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Nome: Biddy ( Clark)
Pais:   United Kingdom
Afixo criador:
Afixo proprietario: J. G. Clark
Sexo: Femea
Data de Nascimento:
Email do proprietario:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Herramientas generales

Herramientas de análisis del pedigree

Ben Stone  
Ben Stone
Ben Stone
British Stone  
British Stone
Buck Stone  
Buck Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)   
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Black 'un  
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)   Ch Jack Of Spades   
Gipperswick Beauty  
Regina Stone   Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)   
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels  
Lucy Loo  
Lady Patricia   Regent Street Prince (late Hippo)  
Regent Street Prince (late Hippo)
Lady Dolly (1896)  
Lynton Josie   Ivel Darkie   Ivel Demonax   Donax  
Ivel Daffodil (late Woodcote Lilly)  
Ivel Dorothy   Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)  
Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)
Ivel Dorry  
Lynton Lass   Tom Pipe   Don Venn  
Don Venn
Dinah Doe  
Lady Smith (1897)   President Carnot  
British Queen (1890)  
Visits: 552